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paper goodies and family life


Just Keep Moving

I was able to complete a mini album with the Gossamer Blue November kit, and I have to say I learned a few hard lessons. 1)  Don't glue the mini book into the album cover until you've completed it. 2)  Do a smidge more research on binding mini album's before the next. 3)  Mister Huey's smudges. That being said, I still think it's a super cute mini and I know my Dad will love it! Cover Inside...

A Little Sadness

We got some very sad news about my little nephew last week.  He was diagnosed with ALL Leukemia.  This little guy is only 4, and it made me terribly sad for my niece, his mama.  I have a huge family, with nieces and a nephew only a few years younger than me, and many great nieces and nephews.  Regardless of the number of us, and the distance that separates us, the deep hurt is...

Mission: Completed

Soooo.....I knocked out another two GB layouts and actually started a mini book for my Dad.  How about a little looky-loo at the layouts? I've challenged myself to complete and upload four layouts from each month's kit to Flickr.  GB will give you an album after uploading four layouts/month for 6 months, and who can refuse a free album?  Awesome deal, if you ask me.  Which...

She tries, she really does.

I've been trying oh-so-hard to get some time in my creative space, but failing miserably.  I have been able to get another layout completed with the Gossamer Blue November Kit, and a little work on my December Daily.  Here's what I've managed so far.... Happiness is Home Sweet Home This is totally scraplifted from Nichol Magouirk.  She does fantastic stamping and layering on her...

Hello World!

It's Tuesday. ...

Time, time, time.

Where does the time go?  It seemed like it was Thursday just yesterday...and I was looking forward to the weekend.  And we're already back to Monday.  Oy. On Saturday we attended our first college basketball game of the season.  My husband and I have been season ticket holders the last 5 years and were anxious to see how Miss Q would do at her very first b-ball game. Miss Q,...

Decisions, decisions.

Hello World! It's election day and while I know who I am voting for in the Big Election, I've still got a few local decisions to ponder before heading to the polls.  What helps you decide in your local elections?  Are you party loyal, or personally know some of the candidates?  I live in a city of around 20,000 and don't know the candidates personally, but I don't necessarily remain...

Oh Sunday, Sunday

I had huge dreams for lots of scrapping today, which quickly fell apart when my daughter decided hanging with Daddy just wasn't on her agenda today.  But I was able to make a few cards for upcoming birthdays... This card scraplifted from the DCWV blog, made from Studio Calico October kits.  Sentiment stamp from Paper Smooches, background stamp is Studio Calico and small sentiment stamp...

A Quick Pic

Have to share this dolly in her new owl stocking cap: Miss Q, Queen of the House ...

Ok, it's time.

Time to get this thing going.  And stick with it.  And to not give up after three blog entries.  And to stop starting all my sentences with And. I created these four beauties with the Gossamer Blue October kits: This Is Us, photo taken by Tracy Perrett Mama's Girl, Instragram pics printed by Printstagram Tattoo Kisses, Instagram pic Nobody Puts Baby In A Basket, photos...