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paper goodies and family life

Fun Fun!

My hubs and I took a quick over-night trip to Denver on Tuesday.  Clay's favorite band of all time in the history of forever, The Slackers, played a show at the Bluebird.  I stood for 5 hours in a pair of Toms shoes and my feet still hurt, but going to this show with Clay was worth all the aches and pains my feet have endured :)

We took our first trip to Ikea as well, talk about being over-whelmed!  You kind of feel like  you will never find the exit...and then the checkout line was about a mile long.  My friend Rebekah sent a shopping list with me, so make sure to check out her blog and see the awesomeness she posts with her Ikea purchases!  I got another Raskog cart and an artist easel for Miss Q ('s a Christmas present!).

I'll be making an announcement sometime next week that I am super pumped about!  Make sure to check back and see what fun I'll be sharing.

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